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Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a free trial? How does it work?

  • The most comprehensive public database of Y Combinator companies and everything you need to know about them - all YC batches.
  • Feel free to leave a comment if you have any.
  • See what kind of products Nick Hong (Software Engineer, Eaze) likes on Product Hunt.

Yes, there is a 14 day free trial. At the end of your 14-day trial, you'll be automatically downgraded to the free plan. Should you wish to upgrade to Premium, you can do so from the billing page at any point during or after your trial.

What is an editor, and how is it different than a viewer?

DownloadPopsql free download

PopSQL is a freeCodeCamp partner We've partnered with freeCodeCamp to enable students to learn SQL with PopSQL. Sign up below to get PopSQL for free for three months 🎉.

Editors are members of your team that can create, edit, and execute queries. Viewers can only view the queries you share with them. We only bill you for editors.

What happens when people join or leave my team? How will we be charged?

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We will pro rate the difference. So if someone leaves in the middle of the month, we'll add a credit for half a month on your next bill. And if someone joins in the middle of the month, we'll only bill you for the half month.

Any special deals for students?

Yes, Premium Team accounts are available for free for students enrolled in the GitHub Student Developer Pack!

Popsql Free

What is your cancellation policy?

Popsql Free Version

If you no longer wish to use PopSQL, you may cancel at any time and we will not bill you again.